Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 24: 6 Months and an Ear of Corn!!!

*Total weight gain?: 148#. Up 17 total. Down 2 for some reason this week...maybe because I've been working so much since we got back from Hawaii? Definitely not on purpose, but that puts me back on track from the last few weeks.
*Pregnancy Symptoms: Things seem a little more even keel now. I think this little baby is making himself at home. I have seemed to have lost my marbles completely though- Saturday, Lisa and I went shopping and I took my phone and apparently Chris' phone too. It wouldn't have been that dumb, except I kept calling him while the other one was ringing in my lap. Lisa had to ask me if I was serious right now. I was. I blame baby brains on this one.
*How big is baby?:The length of an ear of corn!! Supposedly about a foot long and 1.25 pounds!!! Little piggy!!!
*Sleep: Really bizarre dreams lately- Last night I dreamed we went back to Hawaii for another month (I wish!!!) and my mom married George W Bush while my baby lead the ceremony.  This is especially odd if you know my mom's "affinity" for ol' W. Figure that one out, Freud!!
Sex:  a little boy!!
*Maternity clothes: Yes- you are looking at my only pair of maternity shorts. I wear them every. single. day.
*Stretch marks: NOPE! Holding strong!!
*Movement: Yes, but I am dying to know what he's doing in there. I can't really tell what movements mean what. Supposedly in the next few weeks I will be able to tell if it's a foot kicking me or a hand punching I can appropriately label the internal abuse. He's definitely getting bigger and stronger though!
*Food cravings: Pretty much anything a 5 year old would want. Juices, lots of PBJs, grilled cheeses, sandwiches, plain spaghetti, 'boring' stuff. Chris and I had our friends Lisa and Ben over for dinner the other night and Chris served my pasta separate from everyone else's so it wouldn't touch the other stuff. It was perfect :)
*Labor signs: noooooo, but I did think I had Braxton Hicks the other day. I went into a full blown freak out including texts to Chris about my 10/10 pain and what if it's labor. Turns out the baby was just practicing his best Jui Jitsu moves on my intestines. It felt less than awesome. We both survived the incident and I am definitely not in labor.
*Belly button in or out: In, but it's not what I would call "normal." You can see in all the old wrinkly parts.
*What I miss: Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!!! I just assumed I had 14 weeks left before I could go back to the not baby friendly activities I enjoy. However, after a friendly conversation about breast-feeding this morning, my loving husband notified me that supplementing breast milk with formula can perplex our little genius and lead to something he read about called "nipple confusion."....I sat dumbfounded for a few moments, as this information is new to me. Not only did I feel like the delinquent parent who hadn't read enough of the baby books (or is Chris an over-achiever?), but I felt completely demoralized. To summarize, I won't be pregnant anymore, but I will have to behave like I'm pregnant until this little guy can eat without me. That sounds.... fair.
24 weeks gestation

*What I'm looking forward to: my baby shower that no ones knows about yet that will be NEXT month, as in JULY :)
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: Mostly he just sings Willie Nelson songs to my stomach!! (especially Chris' fav: Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys!)
*Best Moment of the Week: Sleeping in 3 days in a row!!! Also- I have started the process of going through the baby's closet. It's one of those closets like on TV where you open a single door in a clean room and things come crashing down everywhere. A fun project. I'd like to start painting in the next few weeks. I think we're going with green. This way if we have a girl next time, we won't have to completely change the baby's room. That being said, we're not going to have girls.
Stem Green from Benjamin Moore

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