Thursday, April 19, 2012

7 Months

Harrison is 7 months old and we're all alive and everything!!!

Pictures and updates to follow....

6 Months!

This month has been a VERY important month!

Doctor's Visits:
Harrison is 28 inches (97-99% for height)
& 18.4 pounds (50% for weight)

He has now had 3 ear infections :( poor little buddy! It's always the left ear, too.

We're getting a little bit fancier and do food combos...banana mango is his favorite. He eats baby food 3 times a day (9, 1pm, 430pm) and has 4 6 ounce bottles. He's not all that interested in food though, I have to make him eat.

830-730 :) A few random off days, but he's usually on this schedule. He takes pretty major naps during the day sometimes though and it throws off his schedule. We don't live by one to a T anymore. Our daily goal is to survive and keep the crying to a minimum!

He likes to do the "Harrison Shuffle" as we call it. He gets on his hands and knees and rocks forward, often catapulting himself onto the floor (or the side of the crib- hence I just put our soft crib bumper back up). Chris gets on the floor with him and they have shuffle face offs and "race" to the remote (AKA the holy grail of this house hold). A few days ago, I finally helped him crawl forward with some little therapy guidance and now he is moving forward....more like an inch worm than a crawl though. We're getting there! He also likes to slap the bottle away when he's done eating, roll over, and scoot himself into standing in front of you on the couch. Then he smiles his big gummy grin and tries to walk (which thankfully he cannot yet!). He is busy busy and always moving. The other day, my mom was watching him and texted me that he got himself off the couch and moved across the floor to get a book completely by himself. 
Dear God. 
His First Easter

Loving Granddaddy's watch and glasses

Watching Jacob's every move

My sleepy boy at the Maxwell- Lance family reunion

3 generations of Maxwell Men!

I love my little family :)

Cousins <3

Loves his mommy, daddy, and Laney. He gets so excited when my mom comes over to babysit- it's so cute! Whenever she says good bye she comes back to kiss him 100 times. I never would have thought my mom would melt like butter for a bay. I love it! Of course he loves his other grandparents too- He also loves to go walk around with his Granddaddy and try to eat his watch. Adorable.

5 months!

I can't believe I haven't posted in 3 months!!! I am going to do little quick recaps based on my baby book notes and try to catch up.

Let's see...

At 5 months....

Food: He's eating lots of fruits these days! HATES peas. HATES them. dry heaves when I try to give them to him, so I just quit trying. Harrison-1, Mommy-0

Moving: He's Rolling like crazy and scoots backwards pretty well, and can do "push ups"... But not yet on hands and knees. He's trying to put everything in his mouth (except peas of course). We got him a walker and he loves to crash into things trying to catch Laney. Pretty funny. He's VERY busy.

Sleeping: still pretty good! About 930-7 these days. Those daytime naps are key. 

Likes: Loves blankies, books and monkeys. and LANEY OUR DOG!!!

Monday, January 30, 2012

4 Months

So I'm ridiculously bad at updating this thing...but we have been busy!

Playing in his wagon! 16 week

Things have calmed down tremendously and we have really settled in to our new life as a threesome. I guess this is when things start to get "fun." Personally, I live for his little laughs and can't get enough of him. It's getting harder to leave him to go to work, as his little personality is really starting to shine. The best is getting him out of his crib in the morning and getting a big toothless grin :)

I have been working- 2 days doing home health pediatrics during the week through Sunshine and every Saturday at the hospital. We are fortunate in that both Grandmother's are great babysitters and have been helping us out during the week.

Chris has his daddy days every Saturday with him while I'm at the hospital. I have no idea what they do all day, but Harrison LOVES his daddy. It's pretty cute. Chris definitely gets the best laughs out of him...I feel like they have some secret connection or inside jokes or something. Or maybe it's just because daddy only does fun stuff ...and doesn't do the not fun stuff like sucking out boogers :)

Harrison is BUSY as well! He has been drooling everywhere, laughing, smiling, rolling over (he's very proud of himself), putting anything he can in his mouth (a little scary!) and babbling all the time. Chris and I think he might be teething, as the drooling is getting a little out of control and he is having a little harder time sleeping. It's not bad, but he is sleeping a little less. Anywhere from 9ish to 6/7ish. We started putting his pacifiers in the freezer, per my mom's suggestion, which has helped a little. Don't see any teeth though...I'm skeptical that he's actually getting any, as I didn't until I was over one. Who knows! We are taking everything in stride, as we still don't know what we're doing!

18 weeks- Getting ready for Valentine's Day
Sometimes you need to eat blocks :)

We had out 4 month check up and Harrison is 15.9 pounds (75%) and 26 inches (75-90%). He got some more shots, and handled them pretty well (better than me!).

We have been experimenting a little with baby food this month as well. Rice cereal and now stage 1 foods (pretty much just apples and pears). Although I would like to make his food myself, I'm not sure how to go about doing this and feel like it would probably make more sense to try the organic stuff in smaller quantities first to figure out what he likes before I invest in 2 weeks worth of squash...or whatever. I don't know.
Rice cereal...not so sure about this :) He really likes pears though!

life is pretty good :)
Me and my little buddy <3 (still trying to master the self timer on the camera)