*Total weight gain?: 11.5 pounds: 142.5#
*Pregnancy Symptoms: Weird dreams about our baby. I dreamt the other night that the baby was born as crab meat and I had to shape it into a heart shaped crab cake and then it turned into a baby. It was a girl that night that we named Emily. Don't know where that came from?? Maybe because I have about 4 patients named Emily??
*How big is baby?:The length of sweet potato!
Check out this cool video about what's happening from weeks 15-20: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/video/pregnancy/weeks-15-to-20-pregnancy/

Check out this cool video about what's happening from weeks 15-20: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/video/pregnancy/weeks-15-to-20-pregnancy/
*Sleep: HARD.
Sex: We have an appointment April 28th (we couldn't get in the week before!), and the doc will send us with a sealed 'revealing' that we plan to open in Hawaii in May....Or we might just find out then. I'm so dying to find out!!! I have several friends that are about the same amount pregnant who are finding out, and I'm a little jealous!
*Maternity clothes: Oh yeah...I can still wear one pair of jeans (kind of) and a skirt...but that's about it. Shirts are getting a little ridiculous too.
*Stretch marks: Nope, not yet anyways!
*Movement: Yes!! I have felt the little guy or girl two times now. The movement is so faint that I have to be SUPER still and near sleep to feel it. Apparently the baby sleeps while I'm up and is awake at night like a little nocturnal creature inside me. It's weird and awesome!
*Food cravings: Oranges and lemonade. Not really crazily though...I'm not having major cravings right now.
*Labor signs:N/A
*Belly button in or out: In, but getting a little more shallow with my baby bump. It is officially a baby bump by the way and should never be called "pudge," "a pooch," or "just ice cream." Just saying.
*What I miss: Cute summer clothes.
*What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex and feeling the baby move more!
*Best Moment of the Week: Chris has now started greeting me and my belly when he gets home from work. I love it!
*Least Favorite Moment of the Week: According to Baby Center, I get another rule (what's one more???):
"From now on, when you lie down, it's best to lie on your side, or at least partly tilted to one side. When you lie flat on your back, your uterus can compress a major vein. This may make you feel dizzy, because less blood can return to your heart. Try placing a pillow behind you or under your hip or upper leg for comfort."
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