*Total weight gain?: 8 pounds: 139.5. This is probably my last week in the 130s...Good bye old body!
*Pregnancy Symptoms: Weird dreams about our baby. We had really bad weather last week (hail included!) during the night, and I dreamt our little BOY climbed in bed with us. He looked like a little Chris :)
*How big is baby?:The length of an avocado!
*Sleep: pretty decent, but I wake up usually about an hour before I need to to go to the bathroom.
Sex: We have an appointment April 24th (we couldn't get in the week before!), and the doc will send us with a sealed 'revealing' that we plan to open in Hawaii in May.
*Maternity clothes: I am wearing maternity clothes! The pants anyway- I'm a big fan of Pea in a Pod pants, but they don't do much for the wallet. Ally Newton was very sweet and gave me some clothes that are too big for her so I could bide some time before I have to buy an entirely new wardrobe. It's like having a personal shopper :)
*Stretch marks: Nope, not yet anyways! I started using some belly cream b/c I've had a lot of round ligament "stretching" discomfort. I think this little one is growing a lot right now!
*Movement: Nooooo...I don't think I'm feeling anything yet. Hopefully soon! I can't wait! One source I found says I could start feeling some 'hiccuping' this week!

*Food cravings: Sandwhiches and chicken fingers. I could go a whole day without sugar...this is strange for me.
*Labor signs:N/A
*Belly button in or out: In, but getting a little more shallow with my food/baby bump.
*What I miss: Not having a roller coaster of emotions. I decided there is a thing called "pregnant rage" that happens to me sometimes when things irritate me. ie: I can't open a jar of pickles and I get really upset and sometimes cry out of sheer frustration.
*What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex and feeling the baby move for real!*Best Moment of the Week: Chris read about strollers for an hour and a half the other night. I'm really happy he's so excited.
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