*Total weight gain?: 10 pounds: 141. *sigh* Here we go!
*Pregnancy Symptoms: Strange dreams- good though!
*How big is baby?:The length of a sweet onion as told by What to Expect.
According to Baby Center: Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
*Sleep: Getting up more often to go to the bathroom, but otherwise pretty good. Sometimes my hands go to sleep...apparently progesterone can induce carpal tunnel syndrome :( Fortunately, I can get them to wake up pretty quickly though thanks to good ol' physical therapy.
Sex: We have an appointment April 28th (we couldn't get in the week before!), and the doc will send us with a sealed 'revealing' that we plan to open in Hawaii in May.
*Maternity clothes: There's some old skirts I have that are still working out ok for now and one pair of jeans that I'm still hanging onto. Otherwise I'd say it's 50/50.
*Stretch marks: Nope- I'm trying my luck at some of that "anti-stretch mark butter."
*Movement: No but I'm trying really hard to feel it. I've even been feeling the borders of my uterus (which seems to be about an inch below my belly button) and trying to find the baby...I have no idea where it is.
*Food cravings: avocados and oranges/orange juice!
*Labor signs: No. Just that terrible round ligament pain and some occasionally nasty trigger points in my sides.
*Belly button in or out: In, but getting a little more shallow with my food/baby bump.
*What I miss: being able to wear a two piece without feeling gross.
*What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex and feeling the baby move for real!*Best Moment of the Week: I read that the baby can now hear me and people close by, so I asked Chris if he had anything he wanted to say to our baby. He thought carefully about this for a minute, then leaned over to my belly and said (of all things) "Don't drink and drive!".....at least he's thinking ahead!
A Sweet Lil' Vidalia Onion!
This picture was on the internet and just made me laugh- people are crazy!
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