After our regular bump pictures, Chris thought it would be funny for me to be pregnant in the back of his truck...Laney pup hated it. Without further adieu, here are Chris "Ansel Adams" Maxwell's most recent photography masterpieces:
*Total weight gain?: 144.5. Down 1/2 pound from last week; 13.5 total.
*Pregnancy Symptoms: I totally bonded with our baby boy this past Thursday during our ultrasound, and have begun to think of this pregnancy as if I have my own personal friend inside me that just comes around wherever I go. Having seen how active he is in there has given me a new perspective on things. I see it as if we both are working very hard all the time- I have my physical therapy stuff that I do all day while he's minding his own business doing gymnastics routines and throwing in thumbs up's here and there (which he did in the ultrasound pix in the previous posts). I feel like he's my little partner in crime. An associate, if you will. Which is what I have begun to call him. Some people come up with cutesy pet names for their babies, but mine is affectionately being called my associate. It makes sense because Chris is a lawyer- we are 'partners' of the family firm, and we have a new 'associate' working on our team....I may have totally lost all my marbles.
*How big is baby?:The length of a small cantaloupe. The doctor said he is roughly 10 oz as of Thursday and is a little bigger than what they expected (I think our original due date, which is a week early, is the right one).
*Sleep: Pretty good except I wake up at least 2 times a night to pee.
Sex: a little boy :) ....according to my friend Courtnee, he is "hung like a horse"
*Maternity clothes: Oh yeah...although the jeans in this picture were at the bottom of my drawer and I was surprised to find that I can actually wear them...sans bella band??! Go figure.
*Stretch marks: Nope, not yet anyways! I started using some belly cream b/c I've had a lot of round ligament "stretching" discomfort. I think this little one is growing a lot right now!
*Movement: YES!!!! I love it
*Food cravings: Cheeseburgers and Sherbet!
*Labor signs:N/A
*Belly button in or out: In, but getting a little more shallow with my baby bump.
*What I miss: shorts and cute bathing suits.
*What I'm looking forward to: Feeling the little family associate moving around more :)
*Best Moment of the Week: Finding out the sex and watching Chris' face light up like a Christmas tree! I've never seen him more excited. It was so cute! Also, it has been great feeling the baby move a little more!
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: Since he realized the baby could hear him, Chris offered the baby some words of wisdom each week so he can be a little more prepared for life on the outside (the first pearl being: "don't drink and drive"). This weeks advice: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush." Our little man is going to be so...confused?