*Total weight gain?: 154...23 total.
* Pregnancy Symptoms: I'm just tired, and I can't remember anything. I really, really want to put the baby's room together but I need Chris to help me set up the furnature. Our guest room is looking like someone robbed babies r us!...I think I'm feeling a bit "nesty." Also, I'm fairly certain that this little guy likes to kick me in the diaphragm because I feel jabs to the ribs and it's harder to breathe after doing NOTHING.
Week 31 |
*How big is baby?: The size of 4 navel oranges??? This reference annoys me. There has to be some obscure vegtable like the jicama or something that we can compare little man to. Supposedly between 3-4 pounds. I feel better about the fact that he's probably not actually going to be a 15+ pound baby because I do NOT in fact have 'the diabetes.' My blood glucose levels came back perfectly normal at each interval in time and I was not even hyperglycemic :o)
Allegedly How Big Baby M is this week...?!?!! |
*Sleep: I could sleep 15 hours every day if I let myself. I'm a big, big supporter of the sleep cycle. Sex: a little boy!! *Maternity clothes: Yes, and some of them are starting to get tight :o( Megan Bondi just lent me some awesome dresses though, so I'm back in the game!!! *Stretch marks: Not that I can see! *Movement: Yes- I will never get tired of it! *Food cravings: Still liking double noodle soup! (Yes I understand it's 100+ degrees outside everyday- but the heart wants what the heart wants.) *Labor signs: No, I think he needs a few more weeks...but less than 10 would be great!!!!!! *Belly button in or out: Screwy. *What I miss: Sleeping on my back...somehow I end up on my left side every night and my hip is starting to get pissed off. Despite my best attempts at positioning, body pillows and wearing Chris' clothes, I am a little nervous about bursitis rearing its ugly head. *What I'm looking forward to: Putting the room together now that we have a bunch of stuff to put in it! *Best Moment of the Week: Repainting the ceiling and finding that it looks AWESOME the right color :) Also my baby shower was incredible! Robyn Pinto, my sister Sam, my brother Justin, god mother Carlie Bronzino, and Ally Newton put together an AMAZING day for me and my little buddy!
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