*Total weight gain?: 153...22 total.
*How big is baby?: The length of a Head of Lettuce! Supposedly nearly 18 inches and just over 3 pounds, our little man is nearing his birth length, but needs to chub out a bit more! I failed my blood glucose test last week (I had high blood sugar after drinking a sugary drink- shocking, I know), so I had to go take the 3 hour screen this week. Let's talk about annoying! I got stuck 4 times (one per hour), and my sorry a$$ fell asleep in the waiting room. It was a fun day. I find out soon weather or not I have "the diabetes." I'm NOT happy about this.
*Sleep: All the time!!! I might actually have some sort of sleeping problem! It's a bit ridiculous how tired I am all the time! Sex: a little boy!! *Maternity clothes: Yes, and some of them are starting to get tight :o( *Stretch marks: Not that I can see! *Movement: Yes! He has a new 'trick." When Chris comes home from work, I get Laney Pup so excited about his arrival by telling her "guess who's here?!?! Chris is coming home!!!!" and she runs around the house freaking out until he finally walks in the door, just as she's about to explode from excitement. Apparently, our littlest associate has decided that, he too, is very excited about his Daddy coming home from work and he kicks like crazy! It really makes me happy, and I think Chris likes it too :) *Food cravings: I'm a big fan of Chick fil A these days...Also, kind of liking double noodle soup- can't figure that one out, but I can't buy enough! *Labor signs: No, I think he needs a few more weeks (maybe 7-10?!) *Belly button in or out: Screwy. *What I miss: Putting on socks is out of the question. It's just not an option. We're flying to New Hampshire for Ben & Lisa's wedding in a couple weeks, and Chris is going to have to help me put on my incredibly sexy compression hose. Bow Chick a WOW WOW!!!! *What I'm looking forward to: My Baby Shower this weekend!!!! *Best Moment of the Week: Being 10 weeks closer to meeting out little Buckaroo! Also, my mom bought us a crib and a dresser/changing table!!! I would say Chris painting the ceiling the wrong color because I told him to was the worst moment of the week though....
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