Hello Friends, Family, and Random Readers,
I decided to set up a blog so I can keep friends and family updated on Chris and I, as well as our newest little bundle. Yes, it's true! We're having a baby! He (...or she??) is due September 17, 2011. Though it's hardly a bundle, our little fetus (we just graduated this week from an embryo to a fetus) is just barely the size of an olive.
We were a little shocked, to say the least, about finding out the news. Chris and I are planners (he so more than I am), and we decided that this fall would be a good time to start trying to have a baby. So we're not THAT far off. The reasoning for this time frame is because 2011 has a lot going on:
1.) Several of our friends are getting married, 2 of which weddings I will be in and we're hosting engagement/ wedding showers
2.) I decided to switch jobs- a big change for me from working solely inpatient at a hospital to trying my luck at outpatient orthopedics.
3.) We really wanted to go on a nice "baby moon" before we started actually trying our luck at baby making, and had a trip planned for Hawaii with Chris' parents. The trip was ironically scheduled for September 17. Life is FUNNY! (we rescheduled this trip for May)
4.) My brother Justin has been living with us temporarily with his 87 pound chocolate lab, Marley, while he works on his "secret projects" in LA until September.
Though we weren't actively trying to conceive, Chris was aware that I did not want to pay a now $80 fee for my pill (stupid insurance suddenly decided it's going to need prior authorization every 6 months??? asinine!). Also, I have friends my age who are having difficulties trying to conceive and I just figured, why would we be any different? Besides, who actually ovulates the first month after stopping the pill after that many years????
The Discovery:
We found out during the "blizzard" of 2011 that I was roughly 5 weeks pregnant. I had been off the pill about 1 month after a solid 10 years of taking it day in and out religiously. After being stranded in my house for 4 days, I jumped at the opportunity to go run errands with my brother Justin and his girlfriend KT when I heard the word "Target" mentioned in the long list of stops...even though the thought of sleep was 1000 times more enticing.
We finally made it to Target at which point I made a bee line to the women's aisle. KT was funny trying to guess what we were doing (Justin was off doing his own thing and she thought it'd be more fun to do girly type shopping). Is it tampons? No....Do you have a UTI? Noo.....After 4 more wrong guesses she finally looked at me in shock and then let a smile creep across her face. We ran to the bathroom after getting some funny looks from the cashier. After peeing on the wrong side of a stick and one positive sign, we needed more evidence. 2 more boxes later, we were positive....and the cashier (we went to the same one each time) thought we were positively certifiable.
When we got home, I couldn't wait to tell Chris. Being somewhat sentimental, I had thought of several really cute ideas as to how I could tell him: I was going to put a bun in the oven and let him find it, I was going to take his picture as he reacted to the good news, or I was going to write him a sweet card...instead my impulsive side blurted out "we're having a baby!" without a second thought. He was shocked and then really excited.
Basically, I was off the pill and prego within just 34 days of my brilliant decision to "save money." That being said, we are both elated at the idea of becoming parents. Chris and I have read so many books, blogs, and columns relating to the joys of being pregnant and growing a baby....maybe we have read a little TOO much.
Being pregnant is TERRIFYING!!! You can't do ANYTHING!!!! No deli meat, no pasteurized cheeses, no lifting, no bending, no hot tubs, no drinking, no flying after 36 weeks- sidebar: my friend Lisa's wedding on July 30 will put us at 34 weeks so we will be going to NH for her nuptuals...yep...in a fitted bridesmaid's dress I will be waddling down the aisle right before my beautiful friend and I couldn't be more excited :)
Not only are pregnant women forbidden to live outside a little bubble, but they also have to worry about the "side effects." Growing up, I always imagined pregnancy as a beautiful thing, which it is, but I had no idea of the unspeakable things that go along with the process of growing a human being. Hemorrhoids, stretch marks, nausea/ vomitting, swollen feet/ limbs, high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, hormonal break outs, higher risk for infection since your body's immune system suppresses so as to not kill your unborn baby, constipation, uncontrollable flatus, insomnia, incontinence, headaches, joint pain, muscle aches, ass expansion, etc.... After reading the seemingly endless list of what I now affectionately call the "Dear God that can't actually happen to a person items," I informed Chris of my executive decision to be an untouchable pregnant woman. I will not experience ANY of these symptoms...damn it! I will eat right, enforce my mom's non-stretch mark genes, exercise daily, not get nausea/ vomiting, and avoid the rest of the "Dear God" items..... Of course the very next day I got nausea, cried at a Publix commercial and farted in public without warning. *sigh*
Thank God for family, friends, and neighbors who have recently gone through this magical experience, as they have made me feel much less crazy. I have to say of all the things I've read, my friend Becky's book "The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy" has been a lifesaver. It's about a woman who did most things wrong and how her children are fine. It's really just for moral support because being perfect is not an option.
Please feel free to read or ignore my ramblings as I document the next 7 months of my incredible journey. Your friendly comments, support, and advice are welcome and encouraged.
Much Love,
Jaclyn, I am loving the blog! But I do think it is sad that you are blaming your innocent child for you farting in public. We all know that you have always done this...pregnant or not! Haha...love you bunches can't wait to meet the little one!
ReplyDeleteJJ, the one thing I can tell you is that if your exercise regularly it makes delivery much faster and recovery even faster. I cannot wait to meet Baby Maxwell. :) Love you, Robyn