Our OB/GYN, Dr. Ayers, said that it looks a little small for where we thought we should be chronologically, so he pushed our due date back to September 24th. That puts us back at raspberry status and more likely week 8 development. Basically he saw a little head and arm/ leg buds but no fingers and toes yet like I had hoped. Just to change it up (and because I think it kinda looks like one)- I'm changing my picture to a gummy bear this week.
That's ok though because we're going back in 2 weeks to finish blood work. He said our little one will be much bigger by then and will definitely have more to show us. He also said because of where we are and the fact that he saw a good heart beat put us down to a 3% risk for miscarriage (from 30%!). In two weeks, he said we'll be down to only 1%.
That's pretty much all we having going on right now. We are so excited!
Yay for little bean having his/her first picture taken!!! Say hi to my little bean!