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5 weeks and 134# (feeling excited) |
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7 weeks 137# (feeling tired, fat, and out of control) |
10 weeks 135# (feeling ok, just tired) |
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11 weeks: what's happening in there |
Well, we might be crazy. We are expecting another little munchkin in August of this year. 8/25 to be exact. I guess we are trying to see how much insanity we can pack into our busy lives before I go crazy.
Anyways, I decided to update my incredibly delinquent blog so as to be fair to both kids. Not that they will even probably care that I wrote about my pregnancies, but as a middle child myself...I will be fair. ish. Don't think that that will make #2 a middle child though. Hold your horses, people!
Ok so, here's the weekly update schematic...I'm just copying/ pasting from last time and changing the answers.
*How far along?: 11 weeks
*Total weight gain?: 3 pounds: 135# (not pregnant, I like to neurotically hang out around 132ish. Weird number I know, but whatever.)
*Pregnancy Symptoms: gigantic boobs, starting to get a little belly already. So weird!!! This did not happen so fast last time.
*How big is baby?: The size of a little lime :)
*Sleep: Well, if we didn't have a 2 year old climbing into our bed with a list of demands at any and all hours of the night it would be fine. Probably get up to pee every other night at a weird time.
Sex: I'm thinking pink this time. I went to a psychic when I was 18 who predicted I would have 2 boys, so we shall see!
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Baby M #2 |
*Stretch marks: Nope
*Movement: I'm moving a lot on the couch underneath a pile of cheezit crumbs. Not sure what that baby is doing. Seriously, I talk about exercising every single day.
*Food cravings: last time it was fruit and meat...this time it's different. The last few weeks, vanilla pudding snack packs, hardboiled eggs and ice cream have been trending with my womb service clientelle.
*Labor signs:there is not even a light at the end of the tunnel at this point.
*Belly button in or out: In. I will say it's a little sad looking though. Kind of looks like it's frowning. This has nothing to do with what's in there (well, maybe those damn cheezits), just looks different that 3 years ago.
*What I miss: I'm in a state of apathy about all the pregnancy rules. I'm probably not being as rigid with myself this time. I've had a couple soft cheeses/ a few slices of deli meat. (THE HORROR!!!).
*What I'm looking forward to: being a beached whale at the pool this summer. We tried to get pregnant a little earlier this time (last May), so I wouldn't be big, big huge pregnant in the summer with this one..... but didn't have success until we gave up (Thanksgiving). So this baby will be born in LATE AUGUST.
That's how we roll.