*Total weight gain?: 146~ up 13 total. Hoping to stick with the 1#/week goal from now on. Also, I would really like to not get diabetes. Last time I failed my 1 hour glucose test, and I'm really hoping that doesn't happen again. We'll see!!
*Pregnancy Symptoms: He's a very active little man. Moves around a lot. He gets very excited after I eat fruit and really gets dancing!
*How big is baby?:The length of a banana
*Sleep: Pretty good except Harrison still gets in bed with us a lot...things are getting better on that front. I wish I had more time to nap, but I just don't. Life is really busy. Oh, and Sammy moved in with us which is really fun, and her dog, Gemma, had 2 puppies the other day! (Ironically on April Fool's Day- haha).
Sex: a little boy :)
*Maternity clothes: I can still mix it up. I have 2 pairs of non-pregnancy pants that I can still (amazingly) wear with all the right buttons and everything. Generally, I wear maternity pants though.
*Stretch marks: No, but things are rearranging again. I think this time it's not as obvious to me as it's happening because things know where to go.
*Movement: YES!!!! I love it
*Food cravings: pasta and mexican food are my favorites these days.
*Labor signs: no, gracias a dios!
*Belly button in or out: In, but it looks really weird. Very weird after a big meal.
*What I miss: being able to bend over to pick something up without making noises.
*What I'm looking forward to: Carlie said she might host me a small baby luncheon type party. I'm really looking forward to it, because she knows how to host a party!
*Best Moment of the Week: People are really nice/ extra friendly to pregnant ladies :) Grocery store baggers, family, patients...that is really, really cool.