Saturday, September 17, 2011

Week 39/ Early Week 40

Week 39

*Total weight gain?: 163..32 total. 

Pregnancy Symptoms:  I look like a beached whale?? Ummm...let's see the newer ones: Well, I've had the same 'heavy' feeling in my lower abdomen, I've had 3 ultrasounds since last visit. My amniotic fluid levels have been low and I've had to be on bed rest for a full week and "take it easy" precautions since Monday. According to the all-knowing google, normal ranges of amniotic fluid go from 5-25cm depending on what week you are. Apparently, after 34 weeks it naturally gets less due to the baby is bigger than there is space for it. Mine was 6cm the first US, 7cm the second one and 8+ on the third one. The 3rd one is what got me my "take it easy" precautions, in which I'm allowed to go do simple things like get manicures and get a couple things from the grocery store, but nothing more intense than that. Still a bazillion times better than bed rest!

*How big is baby?:  According to ultrasound #1 (about 10 days ago), he was about 7 pounds +/- 14 ounces. By that rationale, I'm thinking he will be closer to 8 pounds when he is born. I'm also guessing about 21 inches. 

Here's his little face :)

At birth, I was roughly 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 inches and Chris was 10+ pounds and 24 inches (a freaking toddler!!!).

*Sleep: Lots.

Sex:  a little boy!!

*Movement: Yes, he's still wiggling, though not as many major movements these days. This is good because he is 'in position to make his great escape.'

*Food cravings: TCBY! I've been playing with a business proposition to add a delivery team to said or any other fro yo stores. Ice cream by means of wasting 10 calories or less of effort is EXACTLY what America needs.

*Labor signs: Still 1-2 cm and 60% effaced. Definitely had more Braxton Hicks contractions lately, but nothing super exciting. The MD wants to induce labor on Monday morning (9/19/11), because of the risky amniotic fluid levels. I'm dreading this because I've heard horror stories about pitocin. That being said, I've being trying EVERY wive's tale I've heard of to get this baby a little more motivated to see the outside world! 

Here's my personal research/ lessons learned thus far:

1. spicy food = terrible heart burn
2. eggplant parm from Maggianos = delicious, but didn't work.
3. eggplant parm from Scalinis = Much better than maggianos and more pieces (4 vs 2). We might have had more success here if we didn't leave half of it at the restaurant. So sad!
4. Marital relations....Not helpful. Nough said.
5. Deep squats = REALLY hard, and uneventful.
6. My signature 'shimmy dance' with hamstring curls (per Chris' request)  = laughable.
7. Reflexology: I spent $150 at my favorite nail salon to activate specific pressure points associated with labor: The inner ankles, web space of the hands, and upper trap areas. This did get the baby to kick like crazy, but the only change was that he went from having one foot on my ribs to 2 feet on my ribs. They REALLY hurt. And my doc says he still hasn't dropped, so that's great.
8. Chinese food followed by a specific chain of events per a friend's recommendation: didn't work for me!

*Belly button in or out: I'm usually an outie now. It's a little sensitive to touch, so I cram it back in and cover it with a bandaid so I don't accidentally hit it on things (you'd be surprised!).

*What I miss:: not having to tape my belly button, bending, rolling over, sleeping through the night (I hear this gets better), wearing normal clothes (even the maternity clothes I have are getting a little too tight for me) get the idea.

*What I'm looking forward to:  Tuesday!!! The hard part should be over by then?!?!?

*Best Moment of the Week:  Finding out that our little guy is still doing great in there and passed all his ultrasound tests. His heart, lungs, kidneys, and body is all developing normally. He's also practicing breathing- which blew my mind to see. I'm so proud :)

Also, not being on bed rest is pretty awesome!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Week 38...He's the length of a leek!

*Total weight gain?: 159...28 total. Math is hard.

* Pregnancy Symptoms:  Well we had another ultrasound, and yes I'm STILL pregnant. We had the ultrasound to ensure that this baby wouldn't be as big as Chris (which thankfully he's not). During the ultrasound they took measures of his head, spine, heart, kidneys, liver and amniotic fluid. Although the nurse told us the baby looks great, she sent the doctor in the reevaluate the amniotic fluid levels. They are low (I'm not sure how low), and require me to be on partial bed rest. This means I get to be home, but I'm really only allowed to get up for food/ bathroom needs. I've been trying to lump them in the same time frames, and have created a "nest" around my area of the couch. Chris came home from work and commented that I was really settling into the couch over here. I have to admit, I do have probably too many empty glasses, cans of coconut juice (thanks Justin!), and plates around me, but I am not supposed to be up doing anything unnecessary, like cleaning dishes! (I'm milking this!).

*How big is baby?:  I have something more exact for the first time this week: according to his measurements, they are guessing (+/- 14 ounces) that he is roughly 7 pounds. They really want me to stay pregnant for another 7-10 days, so he might get closer to 8. We shall see! I'm happy with 7 though :)

*Sleep: Better- I actually took not one but TWO naps today. They were both glorious. I am so bored.

*Movement: Yes, but he's slowing down. Today I realized I hadn't felt him in a while and he didn't get his 11:30 hiccups (he really gets them every day at 11:30!), so I freaked out. I tried everything I could think of to make him kick, and he wouldn't budge. I called Chris and told him I was giving this little guy 30 more minutes before I marched into the hospital and demanded some fetal monitoring. I took a shower and then he decided he would wake up a little bit. Then he kicked like a maniac for 2.5 hours straight and got a nice case of the hiccups, making his mommy very happy :)

*Food cravings: Not really. Chris did bring me some eggplant parmesan from Maggianos today. I thought it was just a wives tale that if you eat eggplant parm you go into labor, but apparently eggplant has pitocin in it which can induce labor. I figure its a long shot, but why not? I love the stuff!

*Labor signs: We went to the doc Tues, and saw the midwife, Barbara. She did my exam and found that I have made no progress since last week. This is probably not a bad thing, as he could stand to cook a little longer (as long as he has enough fluid in there!). That means we're still 1-2 cm dilated and 60% effaced.

*Belly button in or out: it can be flat, or if he wants to the baby can kick it way out and I hate it. I wonder if it will ever look like a belly button again??
*What I miss: everything.
*What I'm looking forward to:  Seeing this little guy come out healthy!
*Best Moment of the Week:  Finding out that our baby is practicing breathing in utero, and, according to the docs,  will likely do well when he gets out. I'm getting anxious about delivery though!

Oh, and it feels good to be done with work for now!