*Total weight gain?: 148#. Up 17 total. I thought I was doing good to not have any changes this week; however, the morning I went to my doc (right after my brother's premiere of The Next Food Network Star (when I ate extra salted popcorn for two days to watch the show 4 times) I got in trouble for being too swollen & gaining "a little too sharply since a month ago." Apparently I'm not supposed to eat any more fried foods and need to even watch how much fruit I'm taking in! Though I think I went on a 'bad morning,' I will try to comply with EVEN MORE ridiculous rules! The next OBGYN visit I get to take the standard glucose testing to rule out gestational diabetes. Sounds like fun! I think I'll continue to check my weight on my scale every Saturday so I can make sure I'm not making true scary swelling jumps and not worry too much about my overall gain. I'm clearly not one of those super preggo ladies that only gains 20-25 pounds (skinny bit****!!!!), and I think this last doctor was a little old school in that respect. I promise to try not to get diabetes though :)
Justin's Premiere Party at our house last Sunday! We had a delicious Taco Bar with lots of salty foods that got me in trouble on Tuesday! |
*Pregnancy Symptoms: My little eggplant-a-abaga is kicking me all night. I love love LOVE it :) Also my stomach is noticeably rounder this week. I think, even though my weight hasn't changed in numbers this week, my body is redistributing weight like crazy. Supposedly my uterus is the size of a soccer ball! Nuts!!
*How big is baby?: One source says rutabaga and another says eggplant. Both agree he's around 1.5 pounds!!! I can tell his bones are getting harder and he is getting stronger as he is able to kick my ribs when I'm sitting and it really catches me off guard sometimes!
*Sleep: Lucky to only get up 2 times to pee some nights and very vivid dreams. I don't remember any from last night, but they're totally weird.
Sex: a little boy!!
*Maternity clothes: My amazing cousin Amy loaned me not one but TWO more pairs of maternity shorts from her closet. Her beautiful baby Lucy was also born in September, so our sizes are matching up well for now. That being said, I'm not sure I will still fit into her clothes for my duration...at this point I don't care though! She's pretty much one of my favorite people right now!!
*Stretch marks: NOPE! Holding strong!!
*Movement: Yes! He moves about 10 kicks every time he has a kicking "session" as I call them. These little sessions occur all day long, but I probably really notice about 3 sessions per day. We went to Scott and Kristin Lowry's wedding this past Saturday (yay for weddings!!!!), and during the prayer our little man decided he wanted to pray too; he kicked me so hard my stomach actually moved! This was the first time that happened and I was so sad no one saw it. (Turns out no one is watching the fat pregnant lady during a wedding?!?!?) Last night he woke me up with that kind of stomach moving kicking several times. It's not to the point that it hurts yet, but I definitely can see how this could escalate into some bruising of the ribs!
*Food cravings: fruit since my doctor told me to lay off the watermelon. I always want the foods I'm not supposed to eat. I'm not sure I can do this- fruit is so delicious...I will try to cut back on the fried stuff though! (Chris suggested I stop watching Oprah re-runs while eating fried cheese sticks and crying...like THAT will help anything!).
*Labor signs: Nope!
*Belly button in or out: at the moment it is in, but I'm fairly certain my 'innie' days are numbered.
*What I miss: Being able to eat without feeling like I need to sit for a while because my stomach is getting in my way. People are probably saying "seriously? you have a ways to go!" but my job entails me to get around and crawl on the floor, sit on tables and move body parts, and demonstrate balance exercises (which, embarrassingly, some of my patients are now better at than I am). It is definitely getting a little harder to do- but I will do it for 3.5 more months!!!
*What I'm looking forward to: cooking this little baby for a while longer and getting the little guy's room more together. It's now cleaned out, and Mr. Bronzino is going to help me with some italian plastering so his room is nice and pretty :)
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: Mostly he just sings Willie Nelson songs to my stomach!! (especially Chris' fav: Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys!). He also sings I have friends in low places per my suggestion. I picked that one because the baby always kicks really hard after Chris sings in a deeper voice. I think they are going to be good buddies!
*Best Moment of the Week: Feeling him kick so much harder this week and knowing that he loves Chris' voice :) Also, I got to hear his beautiful heart beat again yesterday and I never get tired of that! I'm still waiting to be able to hear it with my stethoscope which I try to do every day to no avail!