Chris and I have been trying to figure out what this little fellow is going to look like, so I found some baby pictures and compared Chris and I when we were little. I'm pretty sure we have absolutely no idea who we're going to meet!!! However, I do know we are going to dress him up like a cowboy and make him ride a pony :)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
What will he look like?!
Chris and I have been trying to figure out what this little fellow is going to look like, so I found some baby pictures and compared Chris and I when we were little. I'm pretty sure we have absolutely no idea who we're going to meet!!! However, I do know we are going to dress him up like a cowboy and make him ride a pony :)
Monday, May 30, 2011
Week 24: 6 Months and an Ear of Corn!!!
*Total weight gain?: 148#. Up 17 total. Down 2 for some reason this week...maybe because I've been working so much since we got back from Hawaii? Definitely not on purpose, but that puts me back on track from the last few weeks.
*Pregnancy Symptoms: Things seem a little more even keel now. I think this little baby is making himself at home. I have seemed to have lost my marbles completely though- Saturday, Lisa and I went shopping and I took my phone and apparently Chris' phone too. It wouldn't have been that dumb, except I kept calling him while the other one was ringing in my lap. Lisa had to ask me if I was serious right now. I was. I blame baby brains on this one.
*How big is baby?:The length of an ear of corn!! Supposedly about a foot long and 1.25 pounds!!! Little piggy!!!
*Sleep: Really bizarre dreams lately- Last night I dreamed we went back to Hawaii for another month (I wish!!!) and my mom married George W Bush while my baby lead the ceremony. This is especially odd if you know my mom's "affinity" for ol' W. Figure that one out, Freud!!
Sex: a little boy!!
*Maternity clothes: Yes- you are looking at my only pair of maternity shorts. I wear them every. single. day.
*Stretch marks: NOPE! Holding strong!!
*Movement: Yes, but I am dying to know what he's doing in there. I can't really tell what movements mean what. Supposedly in the next few weeks I will be able to tell if it's a foot kicking me or a hand punching I can appropriately label the internal abuse. He's definitely getting bigger and stronger though!
*Food cravings: Pretty much anything a 5 year old would want. Juices, lots of PBJs, grilled cheeses, sandwiches, plain spaghetti, 'boring' stuff. Chris and I had our friends Lisa and Ben over for dinner the other night and Chris served my pasta separate from everyone else's so it wouldn't touch the other stuff. It was perfect :)
*Labor signs: noooooo, but I did think I had Braxton Hicks the other day. I went into a full blown freak out including texts to Chris about my 10/10 pain and what if it's labor. Turns out the baby was just practicing his best Jui Jitsu moves on my intestines. It felt less than awesome. We both survived the incident and I am definitely not in labor.
*Belly button in or out: In, but it's not what I would call "normal." You can see in all the old wrinkly parts.
*What I miss: Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!!! I just assumed I had 14 weeks left before I could go back to the not baby friendly activities I enjoy. However, after a friendly conversation about breast-feeding this morning, my loving husband notified me that supplementing breast milk with formula can perplex our little genius and lead to something he read about called "nipple confusion."....I sat dumbfounded for a few moments, as this information is new to me. Not only did I feel like the delinquent parent who hadn't read enough of the baby books (or is Chris an over-achiever?), but I felt completely demoralized. To summarize, I won't be pregnant anymore, but I will have to behave like I'm pregnant until this little guy can eat without me. That sounds.... fair.
*What I'm looking forward to: my baby shower that no ones knows about yet that will be NEXT month, as in JULY :)
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: Mostly he just sings Willie Nelson songs to my stomach!! (especially Chris' fav: Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys!)
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: Mostly he just sings Willie Nelson songs to my stomach!! (especially Chris' fav: Momma's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys!)
*Best Moment of the Week: Sleeping in 3 days in a row!!! Also- I have started the process of going through the baby's closet. It's one of those closets like on TV where you open a single door in a clean room and things come crashing down everywhere. A fun project. I'd like to start painting in the next few weeks. I think we're going with green. This way if we have a girl next time, we won't have to completely change the baby's room. That being said, we're not going to have girls.
Stem Green from Benjamin Moore |
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Week 23: A Large Mango!
*Total weight gain?: 150.0....19# total and up 1/2# from last week. Mother of God this is getting scary!!!
*Pregnancy Symptoms: After reading Tina Fey's Bossypants (very funny by the way), I have come to realize that the onset of crotch biscuits is upon me. For those of you who are not aware of said pregnancy phenomenon (bless you), they are the fatty biscuit-looking deposits that grow inside your thighs and make it so your legs touch when you walk. A summer favorite of mine. Being pregnant is not only a miracle, it's glamorous!
*How big is baby?:The length of a large mango!! So tropical of our little man right after Hawaii :) He's allegedly 1.1 pounds and 11.5 inches.
*Sleep: Crazy dreams- often interrupted by the littlest Maxwell, as he is growing fond of a new sport that I like to call "bladder kicking"
Sex: a little boy!!
*Maternity clothes: definitely...and let's talk about how cute maternity bathing suits are :)
*Stretch marks: no- I'm thinking if I gained 5 pounds in a week without getting them, I might be ok? (right?!?!)
*Movement: YES!!!! I love it
*Food cravings: nothing in particular...I think because I've been eating everything and there's nothing left to crave.
*Labor signs:N/A
*Belly button in or out: In, but if I lean back it can be flat.
*What I miss: shorts and not fat girl bathing suits...and not worrying about my foot size getting any more gigantic. Oh I love my shoes and I am so afraid to lose them. Speaking of shoes- Chris bought our little man some newborn loafers. SOOOO cute :)
*What I'm looking forward to: my baby shower next month :)
*Best Moment of the Week: People are rubbing my belly and I don't care anymore because it finally looks like a baby is in there :) I still love that the baby responds to Chris' voice. We tried putting a flash light on my stomach because they can see light/ dark, but he didn't seem to care as much as we wanted him to. We did get him to kick a little that way though. People keep telling me "it's cute now, but it's gonna start to hurt!" ....I'm a little nervous about that because he's already doing some pretty substantial kicking!
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: "Listen to your mother so I don't get in trouble." (I like this one!)
He he...Just kidding!

Our baby is the size of a large mango!!
Week 22: A Sweet lil' Spaghetti Squash
*Total weight gain?: 149.5~ up 5 this week and 18.5 total. Holy S***!!! Recently, people have been very sweetly telling me that they "see it in my face," but....THERE'S NO BABY IN MY FACE PEOPLE!!!! It's really not different than complementing me on my growing cankles...but I digress.
*Pregnancy Symptoms: He's kicking all the time this week! I think he usually kicks at night, but since I'm on vacation and do NOTHING I think he's confused and doesn't know when I'm sleeping. Whatever the reason, he's not as shy as with those kicks and I love 'em!
*How big is baby?:The length of a spaghetti squash (whatever that is!)
*Sleep: Pretty good except I wake up at least 2 times a night to pee.
Sex: a little boy :)
*Maternity clothes: YES! Even when I wear clothes that are not form fitting, people come up to me and ask when I'm due. I guess the gig is up- there's no hiding a spaghetti squash!
*Stretch marks: Shockingly, no.
*Movement: With all the tornadoes on the news lately, I've decided to categorize little man's kicks and last night was a category 5! He actually woke me up out of a dead sleep doing some crazy acrobatics. He had to be flipping and turning at the same time because he was out of control. I actually had to tell him to calm down! I was relieved though b/c after flying for nearly a day straight getting back from Hawaii I hadn't felt him much. Always glad to know things are going well in there, as I have no clue what he's doing :)
*Food cravings: Nothing in particular...everything around me has been fair game.
*Labor signs:N/A
*Belly button in or out: In. For now. I think I have about 2 more weeks of being an "innie." I think I'm starting to get a little linea negra too...We shall see.
*What I miss: being able to bend over to pick something up without making noises. Also, I miss hot tubs.
*What I'm looking forward to: Starting the baby's room! I think we settled on some patterns and themes :) May be a little vacation inspired, but this is "Baby Boats" by Pottery Barn Kids. Not sure what to paint the wall...leaning towards green.
*Best Moment of the Week: Feeling the category 5 last night :)
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: Same ol' gambler's lyrics. This is only because the baby will only kick to songs about gambling. Great, right? I guess I better learn how to play Texas Hold 'Em!
You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done.
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done.
Week 21: A Banana!
*Total weight gain?: 144.5~ up 13.5 total. (Not for long!)
*Pregnancy Symptoms: He's kicking a lot and I love it! You can even see it (if you're watching at the exact right time) from the outside! Chris finally felt it :)
*How big is baby?:The length of a banana
*Sleep: Pretty good except I wake up at least 2 times a night to pee.
Sex: a little boy :)
*Maternity clothes: absolutely! I think it's starting to look like a baby is really in there and I'm not just getting fat.
*Stretch marks: Shockingly, no.
*Movement: YES!!!! I love it
*Food cravings: Cheeseburgers and MEAT!
*Labor signs:N/A
*Belly button in or out: In, but it looks really weird. I can see all of the inside of it...Apparently I even have a freckle in there that I had no idea about!
*What I miss: being able to bend over to pick something up without making noises.
*What I'm looking forward to: The swelling...I hear that's a really fun part of being pregnant in the summer! In all seriousness, I'm looking forward to my baby shower that Robyn Pinto is hosting for me. I love her :)
*Best Moment of the Week: Chris got me a Nikon 3100 for Mother's Day!!! I'm obsessed with it and can't wait to learn how to use it!! Also, seeing Chris react to feeling him, and the fact that the baby LOVES Chris' voice and he likes to dance and kick when Chris talks...oh and we're in Hawaii :)
*Chris' Weekly Advice to our Unborn Child: I guess Chris decided our little man is going to be a gambler because he keeps singing that Kenny Roger's Song to my stomach....
You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done.
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
Know when to run
You never count your money
When you're sittin' at the table
There'll be time enough for countin'
When the dealin's done.
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